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Treatments and Rates

Discover a realm of rejuvenation with Dave's revolutionary techniques
in muscle therapy.


Interconnectedness Technique (ICT):

Imagine a body reflexology experience like never before. Dave skillfully maps the body, uncovering hidden connections between distant areas. Instead of just targeting the problem, ICT systematically removes blocks that affect your entire well-being. With Dave's approach, you'll achieve comprehensive and remarkable results, unlocking a new level of vitality. Try the Interconnectedness Technique and discover a more connected and rejuvenated you.

Periostial Bodywork:

Delving deep into the roots of discomfort, this technique focuses on the nerves within your bones. Instead of conventional methods, Dave's approach targets the covering of bones, known as periosteum, where tight muscles can intensify pressure, causing soreness over time. Through a systematic and innovative bone massage, Dave provides profound relief at the core, leaving you with a revitalized sense of well-being. Discover a new level of comfort and relaxation with Periostial Bodywork by Dave Johnson.


Don't wait; take the first step towards a revitalized sense of well-being with Dave Johnson's unparalleled expertise in muscle therapy. Your path to lasting comfort and relaxation awaits.

Unlock the Healing Benefits of
Dave's Medical Massage and Treatment Offerings!

 60 minutes:                                                        $85

 90 minutes:                                                        $115

 120 minutes:                                                       $165

Revitalize with Our Exclusive Treatment Packages: Tailored Wellness Experiences Await!

3 - 60 Minute Massage Package                   $240

3 - 90 Minute Massage Package                   $345

Let's make discomfort a thing of the past–
call today for a revitalized and comfortable tomorrow!

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